Other publications
Below you can view other publications from around the trust.
Trust objectives
Operational plan 2019-20
Infection control annual report
The trust has a statutory responsibility to comply with the Health and Social Care Act: Code of Practice for the prevention and control of healthcare associated infection (2012).
A requirement of this act is for the Board of directors to receive an annual report from the director of infection prevention and control.
The annual report of the infection, prevention and control team (IP&C) provides an overview of the activities carried out in the trust to progress the prevention, control and management of infection.
Trade union timesheet
Trust Self Certifications 2018-19
Quality priorities 2019-20
Organisational Strategy 2020-2023
Estates strategy 2019-2024
Participation and involvement strategy
We are the NHS: People Plan 2020/21
Reports and investigations
KMPT 'Net Zero' Green Plan
Risk Management Strategy 2022-2024