Looking after your mental health and wellbeing during self-isolation

A long period of self-isolation may be necessary to protect the public from the spread of coronavirus, leading to the COVID-19 illness. This booklet contains some useful tips to help keep your mental health in check during this difficult time.

Publication date:
01 March 2020
Date range:
March 2020 - March 2021

Support organisations

Table caption
Organisation Services Contact
Connect Well East Kent

Hub team is operational as normal and telephone services
are still active.

Open Mon, Weds and Fri 8:30am – 6pm.
Tues and Thurs 9am – 5pm

0300 302 0178
Carers Support
East Kent
The hub team is operational as normal
and still offering emotional support.
Open Mon, Weds and Fri 8:30am – 6pm.
Tues and Thurs 9am – 5pm.
0300 302 0178
Silverline Telephone
Befriending Service
24-hour befriending service.
It’s a helpline and friendship service
for people aged 55 and over. Free,
confidential service to share worries and
fears. A good sign posting service.
0800 470 80 90
Age UK Thanet Day services are operational as per
government guidance.
Hot meal delivery available for £7.
01843 223881
Ageless Thanet Offering a free telephone befriending
Service for people over the age of 50
between the hours of 9am and 5pm.
You can contact them via phone, email or
on social media (Facebook and Twitter).
Ageless Thanet will issuing a guide on
how to use FaceTime to stay connected
with friends and family during this time.
You can find this on all social media
01843 21005
Community Centre
Open as usual Mon, Tues, Weds and Fri. Elaine or Paul
01843 221913
St Paul’s Food Bank
Open as usual – Thurs mornings 10:30am
– 12:30pm.
01843 221913
Thanet Community
Transport Association

Offering a personal shopping service
and wiling to help anyone who is selfisolating and who
cannot get out and about.

01843 602030
Westgate Town Council The town council is offering a service of
volunteers to visit homes within the town
to help isolated people to do shopping,
walk the dogs, friendly phone calls,
picking up prescriptions and general
If you know someone who needs this
please contact the Town Clerk on the
number/email to the right.
01843 836182
Changing Minds -
The Lifeboat project
To establish a phone line for those
seeking a friendly chat / video chat if
possible. To set up a social media hub
for individuals to access for tips on
combating loneliness while in isolation.
To grow and adapt the project alongside
the ever-changing situation to provide
support for as many affected individuals
as we can possibly reach.
They will provide mental health support,
advice, anxiety management, food
and essentials for the local community
throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
This will consist of weekly podcasts,
videos discussing all things wellbeing,
exercise, nutrition and more.
To offer free delivery of care packages
for those in isolation within the local
community, including food, toiletries
and entertainment like crosswords, card
games, colouring books.
Colin Rouse –
Best One Westgate Offering free home delivery services for supplies. 01843 831664
Krusty Kobb bakeries Offering free home delivery for food
to the homes of people who are self-isolating and are unable to get out.
01843 835447
Prentis Greengrocers Offering free home delivery to self isolated people (fruit and veg etc). 01843 834934
Posillipos restaurant
Is offering to do people’s shopping and deliver it to their home for self-isolated people. 01843 601133
The Kitchen CT9
in Cliftonville
Will deliver any surplus stock they have to
people’s homes who are self-isolating.
01843 293376
Support group
Are offering a free service, which includes
shopping locally, walking dogs and
collecting prescriptions.
Dave Adams -
07540 813028
or Jan Adams –
07540 812564
Age Concern Deal Day services are still operational as per
government guidelines. Hot meals are £7.
Offering food delivery services and hot
meal deliveries. (Both are paid for services
and will be invoiced at a later date).
01304 372608 –
Age UK Folkestone Day services are still operational as per
government guidelines.
Offering food delivery services and hot
meal deliveries. Hot meals are costed at
(Both are paid for services and will be
invoiced at a later date).
01303 279031 -
Age UK Herne Bay Day services are still operational as are all
other service which are normally offered.
Befriending service is now a telephone
befriending service between working
01227 749570
Whitstable Food Bank Whitstable Umbrella Centre will be
providing food parcels during isolation
periods and are happy for neighbours/
friends to collect food parcels on behalf
of people who are isolating.
01227 274880
Deal Food Banks St Richard’s Church – Tues 12 – 2pm.
Weds Victoria Road 4.30 – 6pm.
Fri Trinity Church Union Road 10am
Foodbank centres open, but no tea or
01304 728428
Sandwich Food Banks Thurs Phoenix Centre Jubilee Road – 3pm.
Foodbank centres open, but no tea or
01304 728428
Ashford Age UK Meals on Wheels (3 meals delivered – to
include lunch, tea and breakfast for the
following day), shopping, prescription
collection, keeping in touch calls,
telephone befriending, dog walking.
01233 668765
Aylesham Food Banks St Finbarr’s Church Market Square
Fri 12.30 – 2.30pm.
Food bank centres open, but no tea or
01304 728428
Vineyard Church
Mon, Tues, Thurs 9 – 12am and last Sat of
every month.
If in need, please contact the food bank.
01233 331919
Community Care
Food shopping delivery services Ashford. Martin Kemp
07732 977417 /
01233 612224
Home help choice Food shopping delivery services Ashford. Richard Spinx
07807 177656
Faversham Food Bank The Gospel Mission Church, Tanners
Weds 1.30 – 4pm.
Fri 1.30 – 4pm.
Methodist Church
Sandgate Road, Folkestone.
Tues and Fri 2pm – 3.30pm.
Please check the website www.shepway.
foodbank.org.uk as regular updates will
be posted here.
New Romney
Christian Centre
North Street.
Tues 5.30 – 7pm.
Please check the website www.shepway.
foodbank.org.uk as regular updates will
be posted here.
Lydd Hardy Hall, Skinner Road.
Fri 6.30 – 7.30pm.
Please check the website www.shepway.
foodbank.org.uk as regular updates will
be posted here
Savages Fruit
and Veg Lydd
Offering fruit baskets and other
vegetables within the Lydd area. Also
offering a delivery service.
01797 363280
Kerry’s Kitchen Lydd A local café, which is making food
deliveries within the Lydd area.
01797 321052
Sport England How to stay active during the COVID-19 period while self isolating



Thank you to the particularly brilliant Justine Norris our Occupational therapist at
the North East Kent Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team for producing this.