Carers guide to confidentiality
We hope this guide will help you understand what confidentiality means for the trust, its staff, the person you care for and for you as a carer. A carer is anyone supporting their partner, friend or relative. As a carer, you play an important role and we work with you and try to make sure you have the right information you need, and have the right support
- Publication date:
- 01 July 2022
- Date range:
- July 2022 - July 2023
Listening to you
You may already know that a person is receiving services from us. If so this duty of confidentiality does not prevent us from listening to you should you want to speak with us.
There is no breach of confidentiality or requirement for consent in order to meet with, see and listen to you.
Your views are important and help us to provide care to the person you are caring for. The information you provide
will also remain confidential.
If we are unable to give you detailed information about the person you are caring for, we can support you
in other ways.
We can provide general information about the illness and we can share information about local and national support groups which can offer emotional and practical support for you.