Ruby Ward

Ruby ward is a 16 bed female only inpatient unit catering for older people with acute mental health difficulties.

Our aim is to deliver evidence based nursing care ensuring people are treated with kindness, dignity and respect  by providing a caring, responsive, effective, well led and safe environment.

The team consist of a consultant psychiatrist, junior doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, occupational/art/music/drama therapists and assistants, physiotherapists and volunteers.

Patients will also be offered therapeutic activities by the ward team and be reviewed by the consultant during the weekly ward review.

All the bedrooms are ensuite. There are also two extra care bedrooms and two complex care bedrooms. There are several quiet rooms, accessible gardens, therapeutic activity space as well as a communal lounge and dining area. There is a family room off the main ward for patients to meet with their families and friends.

Arrangements for under 18’s to visit

Under 18’s are not allowed on the ward. If you have a child under the age of 18 who wishes to visit please speak to a member of ward staff who will arrange a family room to be booked for your visit.

Items not allowed on the ward:

Before your visit, take a look at our list of monitored and prohibited items on Ruby Ward.

Further information

Ruby ward can be found on the Priority House, Hermitage Lane, Maidstone. It is a standalone unit behind Bay Tree House on the way to the TGU. There is signage to assist with locating the ward. Please park anywhere on the Priority House. There is parking directly outside the ward and a parking permit can be obtained from the ward to display in your car for the length of time you are visiting.
