Vision and strategy
- KMPT’s Quality Improvement Vision and strategy
Our approach to KMPT’s Quality Improvement System is informed by research and learning from other organisations, ensuring alignment with our values and culture and is unique to KMPT.
Our Five Year Quality Improvement Strategy (2020-2025) is committed to;
Empowering people to develop and deliver positive change through the art and science of Quality Improvement.
QI projects will link with safety, experience and effectiveness and teams can select to work on a project to address this. Our approach will empower freedom to select QI projects and cumulatively over time we will start to see lots of improvements.
In order for KMPT to successful embed Quality Improvement into our everyday work we are committed to;
- Clinically led quality improvement culture throughout the organisation
- Empower all levels of the organisation to speak openly and define how things are now and how they can improve
- Embedding coproduction, inclusion and equality involving service users and carers throughout our QI journey
- Learning from Quality Improvement best practice nationally and internationally
- Successfully delivering measureable improvement achieved through Quality Improvement projects
You can view our Quality Improvement Pledge here