Workforce Disability Equality Standard 2022-2023
The WDES focuses on the experiences of KMPT disability staff in the workplace compared to non-disabled staff. There are specific measures within each of the indicators that measure the data, experiences and opportunities for disabled staff.
- Publication date:
- 26 September 2023
- Date range:
- 2022-2023
Action plan
Metric 1
Percentage of staff in AfC paybands or medical and dental subgroups and very senior managers (including Executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce.
Increase staff disability declarations. Includes those with long tern health conditions/illness and staff who are neurodivergent
Ensure staff understand why KMPT ask for equality data, who sees it and why. What KMPT does with the information and what the impact is on staff, the organisation and patients.
ESR initiative – launch the `update your personal details’ on ESR Self-Service portal. Develop staff easy to follow guidance on how to update their details including equality details. Send out why we collect data to all staff.
To have a true reflection of disabled staff within the KMPT and increase KMPT’s overall percentage of disabled representation of 7.33% (clinical/non-clinical & medical = 273 staff)
Close the gap as staff survey indicates 31.6% of staff have a disability or long-term health condition.
Reduce the percentage of staff disclosing unknown status for disability – currently 19.89%
Jan 2024
EDI Manager
EDI Practitioner (Workforce Lead)
DAWN Network chair
RAG rating
Neurodiversity staff network to be developed, along with resources and training for managers and staff – awareness and how to support staff who are neurodivergent.
Staff to feel supported, seen and heard within the organisation.
Network to be a place to share concerns, ideas and promote neurodiversity, network to encourage staff and staff with immediate families who are neurodivergent.
Training to create awareness and provide information to managers and staff in understanding neurodiversity and supporting neurodivergent colleagues.
July 2024
EDI Manager
EDI Practitioner (Workforce Lead)
L&D Manager
RAG rating
Obtain Level 3 Disability Confident Leaders Award
Submit level 3 accreditation assessment, gather evidence against criteria.
Invite external validation of assessment prior to submission – identify evaluators against suggested list.
DAWN sub group formed to assist in the accreditation.
Increase KMPT to the wider disabled community as an employer of choice. Promotes KMPT to the Leaders level which enables the trust to use logos for Leaders, as well as meets the WDES actions.
May 2024
EDI Manager
EDI Practitioner (Workforce Lead)
DAWN Network chair
RAG rating
Metric 2
From application to appointment.
Non-disabled staff are 1.16 times more likely to be appointed from shortlisting than those staff with disabilities, however there has been a decrease from last year which was 1.42, therefore disabled staff are less likely to be recruited into KMPT than non-disabled staff.
All recruiting manager/panels to have Resourcing and Selection Training.
Recruitment to wider understanding of disability recruitment.
Increase the number of applications from disabled people
Recruitment process review start to end to make recruitment more inclusive and accessible
KMPT are part of the ICS De-biasing recruitment Training
Piloted November 2022
Training starts January 2023
The disability confident employer logo is listed on all KMPT Adverts.
Head of Resourcing
EDI Manager
EDI Practitioner (Workforce lead)
Recruitment Manager
RAG rating
Metric 3
Relative likelihood of Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff entering the formal capability process, as measured by entry into the formal capability.
Disabled staff are 0.05 times more likely than non-disabled staff to enter a formal capability process compared to 1.3 the previous year.
There is some variation from what has have been reported in previous years due to national changes which now include data for ‘on the grounds of ill health’.
Examine the numbers of staff going through the capability process and split by Care Group
Leadership training to include how to have difficult conversations with staff.
To ensure reasons for capability processes are not discriminatory and to identify ways to reduce the likelihood.
ER Manager
ER Team
EDI Manager & EDI Practitioner (Workforce lead)
RAG rating
Metric 4
Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from:
Metric 4a - 31.6% of staff with disabilities report experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients. This has decreased from 33.7% last year. KMPT are still below the national average of 32%.
Metric 4b – 11.3% of staff with disabilities report experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from managers. This has decreased from 12.4% last year. KMPT are below the national average 12.3%.
Metric 4c – 17.7% of staff with disabilities report experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from colleagues. This has increased from 17.5% last year. KMPT are below the national average of 18.9%
Metric 4d - 64.7% of staff with disabilities say that the last time they experienced bullying or harassment at work, they or a colleague reported this. This is an increase from last year which was 61.5%. The national average is at 60.3%
Communication campaigns to inform all service users and visitors to the Trust regarding the approach to bullying, harassment, abuse and violence of staff.
Task and Finish group actions – OD Facilitators to lead on workshops and staff sessions to capture lived experience and to encourage staff to join the B&H working groups
Encourage more staff to report experiences of harassment, bullying or abuse.
To improve disabled staff, experience and reduce bullying, harassment and abuse within KMPT.
Dec 2023
EDI Manager
EDI Practitioners
OD Lead/Facilitators
Colleague Harassment Task and Finish Group
DAWN Network
RAG rating
Metric 5
Staff survey.
Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff believing that the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion
59.5% of staff with disabilities believe the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression, an increase from last year at 57.5%, the national average is 56.0%.
- Support the development of a talent management strategy to include an EDI lens across all minority groups
- Develop talent/career pathways for international staff
- Disability awareness training throughout 2023 delivered by external provider Disability Rights UK
59.5% of staff with disabilities believe the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression, an increase from last year at 57.5%, the national average is 56.0%.
- EDI Manager
- Head of Resourcing
- OD Lead
- L&D Manager
RAG rating
Metric 6
Staff survey.
Disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying that they have felt pressure from their manager to come to work, despite not feeling well enough to perform their duties.
17.9% of staff with disabilities say they have experienced pressure from their manager to attend work, compared with 14.9% of staff without disabilities. These numbers for both groups of staff have decreased since last year. The national average for disabled staff is 18.9%, therefore KMPT are below the national average for this metric.
Utilise the DAWN Network to engage with disabled staff to understand context.
DAWN network
EDI Team
RAG rating
Metric 7
Percentage of disabled staff compared to non-disabled staff saying that they are satisfied with the extent to which their organisation values their work.
45.2% of staff with disabilities are satisfied with the extent to which the organisation values their work, compared with 49.9% of staff without disabilities. The number for staff with disabilities has increased slightly since last year whereas for those without disabilities has decreased since last year. The national average for disabled staff is 44.0%, KMPT is currently above the national average for staff satisfaction.
Deliver staff sessions aimed at disabled staff to ask what an inclusive work environment looks like to them.
Creating a better inclusive work environment.
Insights gained to inform Culture programme and to develop initiatives to promote an inclusive work environment i.e. sunflower campaign, celebrate purple day
June 2024
DAWN Network/EDI Team
RAG rating
Metric 8
Percentage of Disabled staff saying that their employer has made adequate adjustment(s) to enable them to carry out their work.
77.9% of staff with disabilities consider that the organisation has made adequate adjustments. This number has decreased further from 84.8% in 2021 and 79.2% last year still representing a steady improvement over the past five years. However, KMPT is slightly below the national average for this metric which for 2022 is 78.8%.
DAWN sub group to lead on the role out of wellness /health passport
Staff sessions on how to complete and use the wellness/health passports
Reasonable adjustments
Streamline the reasonable adjustment process to ensure that disabled staff are being afforded reasonable adjustments in their workplace.
Work with Digital Technologies to include disability accessible resources
March 2024
DAWN Network/EDI Team
RAG rating
Metric 9
Disabled staff, compared to non-disabled staff and the overall engagement score for the organisation
The staff engagement score for disabled staff is 6.7, compared with 7.0 for staff without disabilities. The national average for disabled staff is 6.7 and 7.2 for staff without disabilities.
To identify staff to participate in psychological safety group meetings to provide insights into whether disabled staff feel safe.
Improving disabled staff experience in the workplace and encourage a speaking up culture.
January 2024
DAWN Network
EDI Team
OD Lead
RAG rating
Metric 10
Percentage difference between the organisation’s Board voting membership and its organisation’s overall workforce, disaggregated
0% of the board have declared an unknown status for disability, 0% have declared disabled and 100% declared non-disabled.
By voting membership of the Board.
By Executive membership of the Board.
Voting Board Members including executive membership
Total board members (17)
Voting board members (14)
Executive board members (7)
RAG rating
Work with Trust Secretary to gain this information but no declarations of someone with a disability at 2023 reporting.
New actions for 2023-2025
- Disability Awareness Training for Staff
Continue promotion of eLearning available
Review Active Ally programme with DAWN
Prepare staff network roadshow event by Spring 2023 - know locations
Communications (Normalising difference)
Use Culture Campaign to encourage staff to come forward to talk about their experiences of having a DAWN in the workplace. These will be anonymised to try and encourage participation but provide learning scenarios for staff – particularly for culture campaign.
Policies and Practices
Gather data on whether proceedings are as a result of DAWN.
Support DAWN with development of either a policy or amendment to a policy to allow staff days out of work to manager their illness – sometimes called a Disability Leave Policy
Work with the Estates Team on improving information on accessible work spaces, meeting and training rooms
Psychological safety/staff engagement
Culture campaign on ‘you matter’ being developed, ensure ideas and comments of staff with disabilities are captured.
Invite staff network to comment on active ally programme.