Workforce Disability Equality Standard 2022-2023

The WDES focuses on the experiences of KMPT disability staff in the workplace compared to non-disabled staff. There are specific measures within each of the indicators that measure the data, experiences and opportunities for disabled staff.

Publication date:
26 September 2023
Date range:


The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) was launched in March 2019 and required NHS Trusts to measure disabled staff outcomes against a set of ten specific measures (metrics) in comparison to the experiences of non-disabled staff. This data1 recorded has been analysed by KMPT to develop a local action plan and enable KMPT to demonstrate progress against the indicators of disability equality. As part of the NHS Standard Contract, KMPT is required to provide data for the metrics 1, 2, 3, 9b and 10 using data from ESR and for metrics 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and from the Staff Survey.

Overall the data shows a representation of disabled staff across KMPT has increased to 7.33% a slight increase on the 2021/2022 figure of 6.84%. In accordance with NHS England’s WDES data, the national average of disability representation in the NHS is 3.7%2

1The data analysed from KMPT’s Electronic Records System (ESR) and the 2022 Staff Survey.