Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2019 - 2024
This strategy reiterates our promise to tackle inequalities and promote equality, diversity and inclusion and human rights with the highest possible standards of care and outcomes for everyone creating a better working environment for staff.
- Publication date:
- 01 November 2019
- Date range:
- November 2019 - November 2024
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and service delivery
We aim to provide an inclusive and accessible service for all staff, service users, and carers; understanding of the needs of individuals and providing reasonable adjustments where appropriate. We will do this through:
Ongoing engagements and research to develop a better understanding of the impact of our services on all our stakeholders:
- Ensuring KMPT’s public sector’s duty is appropriately met through equality impact assessments of our policies, processes, projects and training
- Promoting the equality, diversity and inclusion strategy and best practice, making KMPT equality, diversity and inclusion more visible to our staff and service users.
- Ensuring our recruitment processes are fair and leads to a more representative workforce at all levels.
- Ensuring flexible working options are available to all staff and is consistently applied in accordance with the Flexible Working Policy.
- Establishing dedicated staff networks for Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME), disability, faith and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Plus..(LGBTQ+).
- Committing to allocated funding to support the EDI agenda and networks, investing in KMPT workforce.