Learning from Experience Policy

This policy outlines how the Trust ensures that there is a systematic approach to learning from all types of events and that this is disseminated through a number of different mechanisms.

Publication date:
01 May 2019
Date range:
May 2019 - May 2022

12. Equality impact assessment


The Equality Act 2010 places a statutory duty on public bodies to have due regard in the exercise of their functions.

The duty also requires public bodies to consider how the decisions they make, and the services they deliver, affect people who share equality protected characteristics and those who do not. In KMPT the culture of Equality Impact Assessment will be pursued in order to provide assurance that the Trust has carefully considered any potential negative outcomes that can occur before implementation.

The Trust will monitor the implementation of the various functions/policies and refresh them in a timely manner in order to incorporate any positive changes. The Equality Impact Assessment for this document can be found on the Equality and Diversity pages of the trust intranet.