Learning from Deaths Policy
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust believes that concentrating attention on the factors that cause deaths will impact positively on all persons who use services, reducing complications, length of stay and readmission rates through improving pathways of care, reducing variability of care delivery, and early recognition and escalation of concerns.
- Publication date:
- 31 January 2021
- Date range:
- January 2021- September 2022
10. Working with other organisations
There is a recognition that patients with mental illness may have physical healthcare needs that are looked after by their GPs and other secondary healthcare teams. Social services and other organisations may also be involved in their care. Consideration should be given to arranging meetings with other local organisations to support the process of learning from deaths.
Acute Hospital Trusts may also be reviewing the deaths of the same patients, and collaborative working would be appropriate in these cases. When themes emerge relating to cross-organisational working, or another team would be more able to address a particular issue, then agreement should be reached with the other organisation to support joint working or review of those aspects of care, as deemed appropriate.