Participation and Involvement Strategy 2020-2025
- Publication date:
- 01 March 2020
- Date range:
- March 2020 - March 2025
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Our pledges to you
It was identified by the project group that the NSUN 4Pis provided a solid basis on which we would build our Trust’s strategy. Each ‘P’ provided a list of activities that the Trust must demonstrate in order to meet the national standards. A small working group was formed to interpret the list and develop KMPT’s pledges.
It is important to note that in drafting this strategy the 4Pi framework was presented to groups of service users, including one group of people with a dementia diagnosis, who were invited to describe the elements of this principles which were most important to them in their engagement with KMPT.
To ensure that these standards are upheld, KMPT will:
- Improve KMPT services for service users, carers and staff
- Ensure all communication is clearly written and accessible
- Ensure the experience and expertise of everyone involved is treated with equal respect
- Ensure that we use a variety of engagement techniques to enable everyone to give us their views
- Be clear about the expectations of all participants
- Be open about the limitations of any changes that can be implemented
- Develop clear role descriptions and guidance for any activity to be undertaken.
- Actively and continually recruit service users and carers who want to participate and help the Trust to continually develop and improve services
- Ensure that all participants have the relevant experience and/or access to training to enable them to undertake the role
- Ensure that service users and carers are supported to influence Trust business across all levels of the organisation
- Ensure that we expand and adapt our engagement activities to involve people a wider group of people including diverse and ethnic communities
Engagement/ Recruitment
- Adopt a community engagement model to ensure that we build trusting and productive relationships with community groups, organisations, charities etc
- Use a variety of ways to engage with our service users and carers about the opportunities to work with us
- Develop a fair and open process to support service users and carers to engage at a level at which they are comfortable
- Be clear at every stage the level of payment and/or expenses that can be claimed
- Offer appropriate and reasonable adjustments for people experiencing health difficulties or with caring responsibilities
- Ensure that all communication is sent out in a timely fashion to ensure participants have time to prepare
- Ensure timely feedback is given regarding the outcomes of any projects that service users and carers have been involved in
- Give service users and carers the opportunity to give either verbal or written feedback on the activities in which they have been part of. This will ensure that engagement feedback is shared widely among relevant groups
Support and Training
- Develop a comprehensive modular training package for all service users and carers to support them to engage effectively and to enhance their own personal skills
- Give service users and carers the opportunity to have a personal development plan
- Provide the opportunity to undertake regular and appropriate individual/group support sessions
- Introduce a mentor scheme to support new service user and carers in their roles
- Where appropriate give service users and carers access to the Trust induction programme
- Co-produce a pack of useful information for people getting involved in Trust business to include jargon busters etc
Practical issues
- Ensure that no service user or carer will be disadvantaged financially by their participation in engagement activities
- Give considering to those with carer responsibilities and make reasonable adjustment wherever possible
- Ensure that all involvement is meaningful
- Assess the impact of involvement to further develop opportunities for service users and carers
- Ensure that at the beginning of each project we will be clear
- What the intended outcomes are
- What is expected of the service users
- What impact their involvement will have
- Regularly monitor the progress of projects and feed
Delivering our pledges - what might success look like?
2020 April - end of June | 2020 July - end of September | 2020 October - end of September | 2021 January - March | 2021 April onwards |
Design and plan a recruitment campaign to increase the number of service users and carers engaged in Trust business • Map key community groups across KMPT’s patch • Scope current training on co-production for staff • Scope any training, either internally or within partner organisations, that exists to support service users and carers • Develop staff training |
Roll out recruitment campaign • Meet with community groups to build relationships and begin to gather feedback • Develop and/or engage with networking opportunities for professionals to share information and best practice • Develop Involvement champions – staff and volunteers • Develop service user and carer training modules • Introduce supervision for service users and carers who at the higher levels of involvement • Embed meeting protocol across all Trust meetings • Develop website content • Create a wider online presence including use of social media accounts for KMPT engagement • Develop mechanisms to gather feedback from Service User/ Carer representative after they have participated • Develop a comprehensive information pack for new service user and carer reps • Develop a meeting protocol for involving service users and carers in Trust business • Embed co-production within all research development across the Trust |
Continue to recruit new service user/ carer reps • Continue to meet with community groups to build relationships and get feedback • Develop a mentor programme so newly engaged service user and carer reps are paired with more experienced reps or a member of staff to support them and develop their skills • Introduce a service user and carer e-bulletin to inform all representatives, and potential reps on the work being undertaken and promote new opportunities |
Continue to recruit new service user/ carer reps • Continue to meet with community groups to build relationships and get feedback • Pilot service user and carer training modules for roll out in 2021 • Event to celebrate the successes of the year and to evaluate and plan for 2021 |
All activity will be evaluated and reviewed at the end of the first year and adapted and improved according to feedback |
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