Participation and Involvement Strategy 2020-2025

Publication date:
01 March 2020
Date range:
March 2020 - March 2025

Appendix A: Care group engagement onions

In order to compile these Engagement Onions, the project group worked with Patient Experience Leads in each care group to populate the diagram. It should be acknowledge that these ‘onions’ represent the snapshot taken in May 2019 and additional engagement activities will have taken place since the collation of this document.

These onion diagrams are displayed as tables for accessibility purposes. 

Older peoples care group
Co-production Collaboration Informed decision making Understanding thinking Stimulating thinking Information giving
Care planning leaflet

Dementia allies

Carer awareness training video

Young onset dementia groups

Tree of life training

Person centred care task and finish group

Service user involvement in dementia training

Triangle of Care conference

Peer support task and finish group

Service user care on interview panels

Surveys - crisis, dementia,resource packs

Carer involvement in older adults bed remodelling

Ward rounds

Ward patient meetings

Carer involvement in carer champion workshop

Meet the manager

Research participation opportunities

Discharge pathway survey

Trust PREM

Friends and family test


Patient and carer information pack

Ward activity board

Ward newsletter

'You said, we did' board

Discharge letter

Dementia envoys


Forensic and specialist care group
Co-production Collaboration Informed decision making Understanding thinking Stimulating thinking Information giving

12 week placement

Development f Rosewood mother and baby unit

Joint projects with peer support workers

TGU recovery regional meeting


Focused on service improvement together group

Trevor Gibbens Unit induction

TGU recovery meeting

Service users in external review of services

Ward rounds

Risk assessments with patients

Triangle of Care

Chairing care programme approach meetings

Food meetings

Patient experience reps

Service users on interview panels

Development of care plans

Patient focus groups

Service user groups - PAPAS groups

Neuropsychology community brain injury team, disablement services centre

OT magazine - enquirer

Inpatient community meetings

Morning meetings

Patient council

Patient experience - Allington, learning disability service

Therapeutic 12 week programme

Buddy scheme

Surveys - PREM satisfaction survey, carers survey

Carers afteroon tea and chat

Carer section on website

Welcome pack for patients/staff

Welcome pack for carers


Carers newsletter

Therapeutic ward timetables


Acute care group
Co-production Collaboration Informed decision making Understanding thinking Stimulating thinking Information giving

Planned inclusion in out menu of interventions project

Triangle of Care meetings

Working towards using people with lived experience at interviews

PREM and Friends and family test

Acute inpatient survey collected by volunteers

Meet the manager sessions

15 Steps challange

Volunteers with lived experience working on the wards

Community meetings on the wards

Carer drop in sessions offered at each inpatient locality

Buzz boxes in A and E liaison

Carer telephone consultations (North Kent)


Information packs


Community recovery care group
Co-production Collaboration Informed decision making Understanding thinking Stimulating thinking Information giving

Carers attending Triangle of Care meeting

Service users involved in inspiring change projects including Clinical Care Pathways workstreams

Peer support workers

Co-production meetings run by rehabilitation services

Information booklet for carers developed by carers

Carer champions

Triangle of care

Medway community mental health team learning event

Rehabilitation carer events

Early intervention for psychosis carer visit involvement

EIP carer workshops

Service user and carer peer support workers on interview panels

Trust PREM

'You said, we did'

Monthly meet the managers CMHTs

Recovery college

Carer board in reception areas

Carer section in initial intervention pack

Community mental health team information letters

Carer information packs

EIP psycho-educational programme for carers

Personality disorder therapeutic community open evenings