Organisational Strategy 2020-2023
KMPT Organisational Strategy 2020-2023. Helping local people live their best life.
- Publication date:
- 31 March 2020
- Date range:
- January 2020 - January 2023
Next steps
By 2023, we will have made significant strides in meeting the aims and objectives set out in this strategy and helping local people live their best lives. First and foremost, we will have improved the quality of care and support for people that use our services. We want to see our new clinical care pathways fully embedded and providing evidence-based
interventions that deliver improved population health outcomes across Kent and Medway.
Through closer system partnerships we will be working in a more integrated way to provide seamless transition between mental and physical health services. In those areas where we have specific expertise, we will be using it to take a lead across the system.
We will be well on our way to making the objectives of our enabling strategies a reality, with remote working delivering services to people through the use of digital technologies and our workforce and organisation reaping the benefits of flexible working.
We’ll have a happy and engaged workforce that is #KMPTProud, with improved attraction, recruitment, and retention of staff. People will actively seek our services as the provider of choice when they need us most.
We recognise that our strategy must remain live and evolve to reflect the changing demands and requirements of the environment in which the NHS, the wider system and our services operate. Alongside our strategic aims we will refresh our priorities each year and publish an annual strategy delivery plan.
We are excited about the opportunities that increased investment in mental health and a renewed focus on improving and transforming services offer to us as an organisation and to those we serve. We look forward to bringing our aims and ambitions to life – delivering Brilliant care through brilliant people.
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