Organisational Strategy 2020-2023
KMPT Organisational Strategy 2020-2023. Helping local people live their best life.
- Publication date:
- 31 March 2020
- Date range:
- January 2020 - January 2023
Measuring our success and impact
There are a number of ways in which we will measure and assess the impact of this strategy. From listening to the experiences of services users and their loved ones, to ensuring that we respond to regulatory requirements, we will chart the progress that we make and the impact that it has on the people we care for.
Annual operating plan (Strategy delivery plan)
Published in April each year, our annual operating plan will set out in detail our key priorities for the next 12 months and how we will measure impact and outcomes. Our operating plans will always align with the vision and aims of this strategy and will be underpinned by integrated quality and performance reporting.
Annual reports
Our annual report describes the changes and improvements across the trust over the past year, and reports on the trust’s financial performance and position.
Annual Quality Account
Reports about the quality of services offered by an NHS healthcare provider. The reports are published annually by each provider and are available to the public.
Quality Accounts are an important way for local NHS services to report on quality and show improvements in the services they deliver to local communities and stakeholders.
The quality of the services is measured by looking at patient safety, the effectiveness of treatments patients
receive, and patient feedback about the care provided.
Carbon reduction achievements
Part of regular Board reporting on plans to develop more environmentally sustainable buildings and services.
Complaints and compliments
These are collated and reported to the Board on a regular basis with analysis and discussion to address recurring themes and areas of risk, to agree priorities for improvement and to acknowledge and spread best practice as appropriate.
We report against a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) through the contracts we hold with our commissioning partners. In the future we will also report against KPIs within Integrated Care Partnerships contracts.
CQC Inspection
The CQC monitor, inspect and regulate our services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety. They publish their findings, including performance ratings to help people choose care.
Feedback from our staff
Our staff are our greatest asset and listening to their views is a vital part of ensuring that KMPT can offer brilliant care through brilliant people. We undertake regular surveys of staff satisfaction and wellbeing, and participate in the annual NHS staff survey.
Friends and Family Test
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Listening to the views of patients and staff helps identify what is working well, what can be improved and how.
The FFT asks people if they would recommend the services they have used and offers a range of responses.
GP feedback
Listening to the views of our primary care colleagues will be an important part of developing our support offer to them and will help us further integrate across the wider health and care system.
Integrated Quality and Performance Report (IQPR)
The Integrated Quality and Performance Report (IQPR) is a key document that ensures our Board is sighted on key areas of concern in relation to a range of internally and externally set key performance indicators.
Listening to service users, carers and loved-ones
The views of service users, families, carers and loved ones are vital in helping us shape and refine the way we
design and deliver our services. We undertake regular surveys to assess outcomes, experience, and satisfaction.
The establishment of an Engagement Panel to formally agree and monitor priorities for engagement annually
will support measurement and evaluation of this area of our work.
Partnership survey
The importance of partnership working is critical to the successful delivery of this strategy. We will regularly assess our progress through the partnership survey.
Recruitment and retention and promotion/career progression figures
A quantitative measure alongside our staff survey to assess progress on our people and culture plan as a key enabler to delivering our organisational strategy.