Operational Plan Summary 2019-20

Our Operational Plan sets our our priorities for the years 2019-2020

Publication date:
04 April 2019
Date range:
April 2019 - April 2020


Who we are

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) is a mental health trust that provides mental health, learning disability, substance misuse and specialist services to approximately 1.8 million people across Kent and Medway. We work in partnership with Kent County Council and the unitary authority in Medway, and are commissioned by eight CCGs.

The trust is one of the largest mental health trusts in England, covering an area of 1,450 square miles. We employ approximately 3,500 staff who work across 66 buildings on 33 sites.

KMPT’s vision

To provide brilliant care through brilliant people.

The strategic objectives of our 2016-20 strategy are to:

  • Consistently deliver an outstanding quality of care
  • Recruit, retain and develop the best staff making KMPT a great place to work
  • Put continuous improvement at the heart of what we do
  • Develop and extend our research and innovation work
  • Maximise the use of digital technology
  • Meet or exceed requirements set out in the Five Year Forward View
  • Deliver financial balance and organisational sustainability
  • Develop our core business and enter new markets through increased partnership working
  • Ensure success of our system-wide sustainability plans through active participation and leadership.

Our Values

  • Respect
  • Working Together
  • Innovative
  • Excellence
  • Accountable
  • Open

KMPT has been rated GOOD overall by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and has maintained their overall rating of OUTSTANDING for caring.

Helen Greatorex, Chief Executive: “I am delighted that the Quality Care Commission found so many areas of improvement across so many of our services. We are delighted at some of the themes they highlighted.

“CQC told us that they found staff, at all levels, from a wide range of disciplines, reported feeling proud of the care and treatment they provided to

“Our staff are absolutely committed to delivering the best possible quality of care at all times and the Commission’s report reflects that attention to the
detail of patient care.”

Our key priorities for 2019-20

We have focussed our priorities into four overarching themes and 10 key areas.

The principles of empowering service users, carers and teams run through all our work to help us achieve brilliant care through brilliant people.

Our services

  • Improve quality
  • Save time and money

Our people

  • Great clinicians, managers and teams
  • A productive, skilled workforce
  • Side by side with service users and carers

Our future

  • Effective partnerships
  • Research and innovation
  • Grow our service

Our resources

  • Buildings that work for us
  • Technology that helps us provide better care

Our people

Side by side with service users ad carers

Productive skilled workforce

Great clinicians, managers and teams

Priorities and actions for Our People
Our priority Action
To ensure service models and
strategy are co-produced with
service users and carers.
Develop the trust’s Participation and Involvement
Increase the percentage of people with lived experience
employed by the trust.
To ensure we attract, retain
and develop a fit for the future
Remodel workforce through the development of new
roles and expertise.
Develop succession planning and talent identification
Ensure all staff are engaged,
feel supported, empowered
and accountable. The culture of
KMPT is a great place to work,
volunteer and participate.
Define and implement a Just and Learning Culture.
Develop a Health and Wellbeing strategy.
Develop a Staff Engagement and Communications strategy.
Improve leadership skills throughout the organisation.
Develop a Diversity and Inclusion strategy.

Our future

Effective partnerships

Grow our service

Research and innovation

Priorities and actions for Our Future
Our priority Action

To generate the greatest possible
positive impact on the big issues
for our population:

Improved urgent and emergency
care, better access to primary care
and community teams for adults
with moderate and severe mental
illness, veterans mental health
addiction services and suicide

Increase and improve effectiveness of partnership work at
strategic and operational levels.

Be a leading partner in the development of the Kent and
Medway Integrated Care System and Integrated Care

Provide system leadership to Sustainable Transformation
Partnership (STP) mental health work stream.

Develop a Suicide Prevention strategy.
Improve the care provided and outcomes for people at
risk of suicide under our care.

To ensure we attract, retain
and develop a fit for the future

Develop a Commercial strategy.

Define new business opportunities aligned to the
NHS Long Term Plan and new care models.

Increase staff and service user
involvement in research and
Increase submission of research bids proposed by staff.
Launch Research and Development strategy and set out
our ambition over the next five years.
Develop an Innovation Forum.

Our resources


Technology that helps provide better care

Buildings that work for us

Priorities and actions for Our resources
Our priority Action

Deliver a financial break even and
cost improvement programme.

Develop and deliver robust and sustainable Cost
Improvement Plan (CIP) based on recurrent savings.

Become a more digitally enabled
organisation, supporting
management and delivery
of care.

Develop and implement Clinical Technology and Clinical
Informatics strategies.

Increase digital capability of clinical staff.

Develop digital applications and resources that improve
assessment, quality and care management.

Make the best use of the trust’s
estate (land and buildings),
ensuring they are safe and fit
for the future.

Implement the Estate strategy.

Safely manage transitions required to deliver our inpatient
and community estate improvement programme.

Our services

Improve quality

Save tie and money

Priorities and actions for Our services
Our priority Action

Maximise opportunity for service
users to safely achieve and
sustain positive outcomes, whilst
driving delivery of efficiency and
productivity gains.

Co-produce and implement the Clinical Care Pathways
and St Martins Inpatient Changes Programmes to ensure
we deliver the right pathways and the right practice
in the right place.

Develop a plan to eliminate out of area placements
for female patients requiring Psychiatric Intensive Care
Unit support.

Sustain quality and care improvements within our
community mental health teams.

Deliver 2019-20 Quality Account

Focus on areas of quality to deliver specific improvements

  • Patient safety
  • Patient experience
  • Clinical effectiveness
Develop and coordinate
our approach to quality

Build quality improvement capacity and capabilities of
our staff.

Review the Quality Improvement strategy and recommit
to quality improvement methodology.